Fire Fly Cinema Fire Play Live 6.1.26 MACOSX

Release: Fire.Fly.Cinema.Fire.Play.Live.v6.1.26.MACOSX-AMPED
High quality on-set live grading tool for digital TV and cinema pros.
FirePlay Live supports all kinds of RAW formats up to 4K resolutions including
Arri ARRIRAW, REDCODE, RED Epic, Apple ProRes, DPX, OpenEXR, Canon XF-AVC,
Panasonic MXF, and many, many more. Avoid the time delay and
fidelity loss of transcoding.
You can even combine different formats in a single sequence.
A powerful and easy professional media player for Mac.
Expand your toolkit, without dealing with the hassle and complexity of using
a complicated post/editing tool.
Make fast and artistic primary and secondary color grading choices, and create
a look your director will love right on-set.
Export your grades as a FireFly FFCG file to ensure the look makes it all the way
to the post suite or as a CDL or a 3Dlut.
With FirePlay Live you can see your decisions on a professional monitoring setup.
Send your color grading settings to an external LUT Box and watch a real-time
preview on a calibrated monitor.
Use FirePlay Live to see live grading previews and export your CDLs and LUTs for
use in post.
FirePlay Live comes from FireFly Cinema, creator of the Fire Suite of color
management products.
Use FireFly to begin your workflow and bring your color decisions with you
throughout the post and finishing process.
Supports the ACES open color standard and the SMPTE ST 2084 transfer
function for HDR projects.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 193,25 MB
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