Fire Fly Cinema Fire Day Studio 6.1.26 MACOSX

Release: Fire.Fly.Cinema.Fire.Day.Studio.v6.1.26.MACOSX-AMPED
Digital dailies management tool with live previews of color settings, audio sync,
backup, versioning and rendering for DPs and DITs.
FireDay Studio adds more powerful color space support, audio sync, and multiple
output version rendering in many more formats.
Do even more on-set: exercise creative control over color, ensure media integrity
and manage complex file workflows. No need to compromise by using a tool designed
for post editing to manage your dailies.
User friendly, professional quality, real-time color correction for Mac.
Modern workflows demand color grading that is fast and artistic.
Create a look your director will love right on-set, with powerful primary
and secondary grading features.
Natively play camera files from the all the pro cameras: FireDay supports all kinds
of RAW formats up to 4K including Arri ARRIRAW, REDCODE, RED Epic, Apple ProRes,
DPX, OpenEXR and many, many more.
Avoid the time delay and fidelity loss of transcoding.
You can even combine different camera formats in a single sequence.
Link multiple Macs together to render all versions even faster.
FireDay Studio automatically distributes large jobs between multiple computers,
ensuring rapid turnaround in even the most complex multi-version environments.
Make yourself indispensable on set and make your name in the world of film production
by managing more of the workflow and expanding your skills as a color professional.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 398,00 MB
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