JetBrains Web Storm 2018.2.4 MACOSX

Release: Jet.Brains.WebStorm.v2018.2.4.MACOSX-AMPED
The smartest JavaScript IDE.
Don't compromise on development experience.
Use the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem – WebStorm’s got you covered!
Enjoy the intelligent code completion, on-the-fly error detection, powerful
navigation and refactoring for JavaScript, TypeScript, stylesheet languages,
and the most popular frameworks.
* Angular
* React
* Vue.js
* Ionic
* Cordova
* React Native
* Node.js
* Meteor
* Electron
Debug your client-side and Node.js apps with ease in the IDE – put breakpoints
right in the source code, explore the call stack and variables, set watches,
and use the interactive console.
Take advantage of linters, build tools, test runners, REST client, and more
tools, all deeply integrated with the IDE.
But any time you need Terminal, it's also available as an IDE tool window.
Run and debug tests with Karma, Mocha, Protractor, and Jest in WebStorm.
Immediately see test statuses right in the editor, or in a handy treeview
from which you can quickly jump to the test.
Use a simple unified UI to work with Git, GitHub, Mercurial, and other VCS.
Commit files, review changes and resolve conflicts with a visual
diff/merge tool right in the IDE.
You can now create a Vue project right from the IDE’s Welcome screen using Vue CLI
– the new project will be fully configured with all the tools you need.
With the new Reformat with Prettier action, you can now format the selected code,
a file or a whole directory using this popular formatting tool.
With the updated React Native configuration, you can now debug apps that use Expo,
as well as those already built and launched on a device.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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