TechSmith Camtasia 2018.0.7 MACOSX

Release: TechSmithCamtasia.v2018.0.7.MACOSX-CORE
TechSmith Camtasia is a dedicated and purpose built screen recording software suite
made up of two main integrated components.
The first part is devoted to the recording of events as they occur on your
computer screen (Camtasia Recorder) and the second section of
the software (Camtasia Studio) enables the user to edit
those recordings into a final video presentation.
Camtasia Recorder is most typically used for demonstrations or instructional type
video presentations whereby the user can go through the particular steps of
a process onscreen to demonstrate how something is done.
Narration can be captured live through a microphone connected to the computer as
the demonstration is unfolding or can be added later at
the editing stage of the process.
The software can also be integrated with Microsoft Power Point so that
a Power Point presentation can be “stepped though” as if in
a live situation and again, narration can occur “live”
like in a real lecture or can be added later.
Camtasia Recorder can also be used to capture game play, online activity or just
about anything else you are engaging in on a computer where it is installed.
Once the recording is complete, the video file created can be saved for later
processing or can be automatically sent to the editing component of Camtasia
to be further adjusted.
Camtasia Studio is the video editing part of the suite which can be used to make
various changes to the recorded video file and enhance it in numerous ways.
Multimedia assets such as still image files, audio files and video files from
other sources can be imported into the editor and added to a project
to create a professional presentation.
Camtasia Studio, although integrated into the overall suite, can also be operated
as a stand alone editor allowing the use of unlimited editing tracks,
transitions for in between clips, the use of overlays,
pan and zoom effects and much more.
It can be used to add and modify audio with everything being displayed as tracks
on a timeline much in keeping with other video editors of its class.
The program allows the importation and manipulation of a wide range
of multimedia video, still image and audio file types.
Final output can be exported to all currently popular video formats
including MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, AVI, and Adobe Flash.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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