Digital Juice Fonts Collection 9

Release: Digital Juice Fonts Collection 9
After 8 collections chock-full of every different kind of
font imaginable, it might seem impossible to produce a
treasure chest full of precious new fonts. But with Digital
Juice Fonts Collection 9, we have done just that!
Collection 9 is a perfect and valuable mix with
painstakingly hand drawn illustrated fonts and a unique
array of meticulously designed photo fonts — all topped
off with a sprinkling of high detail 3D rendered typefaces
that take any layout into the next dimension.
Overall, Collection Nine contains 11 unique DJ Font
Families — 2 photographic, 2 3D and 7 illustrated — for a
total of over 500 ready-to-use DJ Standard Fonts, and
an unlimited stream of future font customizations through
our My DJ Font and Community DJ Font features.
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