KlangLabs StompBud Collection VSTi v1.15

Release: KlangLabs StompBud Collection VSTi v1.15

- Datum: 02.06.2005
A collection of nine VSTi plugins that plays random sounds on every note input, useful to make clapping sounds, applauses and other effects. Play single notes to make spanish-like clappings and play several notes to create dance/funk clap clusters that doesn't sound like they were sampled, play with more than one instance and you'll end with a big crowd ;)
One bank set of 128 sounds per plugin, they are: Mixed claps / Soft claps / Hard claps / Flat claps / Fat claps / Chest hits / Pants hits / Feet hits / Finger Snaps
St/Sp (stereo separation): set the ammount of random data sent to Pan.
Pan = adjusts overall panning.
Volume = adjusts the overall volume.
Bounce = toggles pan from left to right in sync with the host sequencer.
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