U-he Filterscape VST v1.1

Release: U-he Filterscape VST v1.1

- Datum: 03.06.2005
Filterscape is a flexible sound bending plug-in. It's a parametric equalizer.
It's a virtual analog filter. It's a delay effect. It's a modulation device.
It's all at once - and more. It offers you the tools and flexibility to spice up your music in ways beyond imagination.
Most of all, Filterscape is great fun to use and to listen to. It's addictive!
But it doesn't stop here. Filterscape comes with 2 sister plugins (included!), one of which is Filterscape VA, a virtual analog synthesizer based on Filterscape's modular architecture, and Filterscape Q6, a 6-band equalizer with dynamic capabilities!
Better yet, the whole bundle - 3 great plugins - is only $129!
Filterscape at a glance:
- Morphing EQ curves, for seamless spectral transitions
- 2 State Variable Filters with mixable outputs for lowpass bandpass, highpass and notch, all with individual panning
- Step Sequencers, Envelope Followers, LFOs, MIDI provide for evolving and rhythmic effects
- Tempo synced delay - EQ and filters can act on the feedback path!
- Flexible, semi-modular routing, including 2 Mixers with modulatable panning
- Hundreds of parameters, yet easy and fun to use
- Visual feedback for all important modulations
- Excellent sound quality, yet cpu friendly
Filterscape usage examples:
- Endlessly evolving delays for big soundscapes
- Add simply more life into drumloops
- Pattern driven audio choppers, trance gates
- easily switched EQ snapshots for different parts of the song
- Band-selective compression (multiband, de-essing), expansion, panning
- Mono to stereo effects
- Talkbox / Vocoder like effects by modulated formant accentuation
- Destructions, drones and noises from formerly innocent material
- All the effects that you'd expect...
- ... but even more effects that you wouldn't have expected!
Filterscape VA is a polyphonic synthesizer plugin sporting some intrigueing features. It's easy to use with its familiar parameter set, but it also features some means that go beyond traditional analog emulations.
The rich sound and flexibility of the oscillators with their capability to perform high quality FM, PWM, Hard Sync and Ringmodulation (even all at once - if you like :-) along with the deep impact of a 12/24/36 dB resonant lowpass filter and Filterscape's EQ make Filterscape VA the ideal solution for a broad range of sounds, starting from fat vintage basses over warm and digital pads up to heavily distorted leads. Whatever synth character you need, Filterscape VA
Filterscape VA features a flexible arpeggiator that can also act like a step sequencer! Play vintage arpeggios, create polyphonic grooves and hooklines, think trance or dare some algorithmic composition!
Filterscape VA synthesis:
- 2 Oscillators, Noise and Suboscillator
- 3 Envelope Generators
- 3 LFOs (1 global, 2 per voice)
- Waveform Warp for Osc1 and Osc2 (seamlessly alters the waveform spectrum, in different ways for different waveforms)
- Osc1 can modulate Osc2's frequency ( FM ) with arbitrary waveforms, at minimum aliasing (audio rate modulation), a special waveform set (Sine Stacks) allows for classical digital FM sounds
- Ringmodulation
- Hard Sync (Osc1 -> Osc2) with the quality renoun from Zebra
- Inverse Oscillator Volume: Mix the waveform with it's phase-shifted inversion, i.e. for PWM
Filterscape VA sound shaping:
- Resonant lowpass filter with 12/24/36 dB
- Overdrive/Saturation: Drive parameter controls the volume of the filter saturation, seperate knobs for Gain and Bias offer control over amount and spectrum of harmonics
- Resonance / self oscillation can be pushed to levels beyond normal, for mind blowing sounds that literally hurt in conjunction with overdrive
- 4-band eq with 8 snapshots per voice (see Filterscape for details)
- Built-in chorus for additional warmth and stereo imaging
Filterscape VA Arpeggiator:
Common parameters: Arp Sync (1/64 - 1/1, ead nfo for registration informations! di and use keygen to register! n the 'Lizenz-Schl³ssel'-box
2) restart to enable the complete 'Werkzeug'-Settings d prices..."
4) select the dir with the 2 .zip files inside
ETK will load all prices now. This may take some time. code" and press "Next"
Copy the "Request Code" from "Registration - Activation" screen
Paste it in the keygen, chose desired licence type and hit "Generate"
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"Enter activation code" window.
Read *.NFO! entpacken overy function, you must have a full license of Symantec pcAnywhere.
Repack Info: Sorry, our packer did not realize that this CD is bootable. Here is the bootable CD in all its glory!
Read *.NFO! 1. Run the app, open a browser, enter your own ip. Û
Û Name: admin, pass leave blank Û
Û 2. Go to 2nd paragraph, where it says " System Administration Û
Û The System Administration page provides..." Select that link. Û
Û 3. In the new window select the License link. Enter the regdata. Û
Û 4. Close browser, app, restart both, return to the same page you entered Û
Û the serial and you'll see it is regged. Û
Û or more simple, just add these lines in config\config.ini file Û
Û [common] Û
Û License = *xxxxxxxxx Û
Û Licensee = xxxxxx Û
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