Audiosyn BBD Echo-80 VST v1.1.5

Release: Audiosyn BBD Echo-80 VST v1.1.5

- Datum: 12.04.2006
Audiosyn BBD Echo-80 is a VST audio processor created in Synthedit which faithfully emulates the workings of BBD (Bucket-Brigade Device) analogue delay-line FX. These include (but not limited to); Echo, delay, chorus, flange, resonator, and reverb-type effects. The BBD IC was introduced to replace expensive & high-maintenance tape delay systems in the 1980's & allowed guitar FX manufacturers to offer portable low-cost FX for the first time. Some FX, such as flangers, were before impossible to create without the use of dual independent tape machines.
Until the introduction of digital FX, the BBD analogue delay-line chip was used to create all the above FX, including all non-tape analogue echo & delay units.
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