CA eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware v8.0.0.7

Release: CA eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware v8.0.0.7

- Datum: 06.07.2006
CA's eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware solutions provide powerful protection against spyware, adware and other non-viral threats. These threats are rapidly growing, causing PCs and networks to slow to a crawl, increasing helpdesk calls for IT departments and introducing new and dangerous security and privacy risks that can expose your confidential information. These solutions offer business-grade anti-spyware protection that detect and remove spyware in real time, streamline management and update you on the latest threats, enabling you to surf the Web with confidence. CA offers the protection that is right for you — whether you are protecting a single PC, a small business or an entire network.
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