SplineConvert 2006 v16.6.2.21212

Release: SplineConvert 2006 v16.6.2.21212

- Datum: 08.03.2006
SplineConvert is a simple ARX utility for AutoCAD 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2002 which converts arcs, circles, ellipses and spline curves (plus derived AutoCAD objects) to 2D polylines with given tolerance.
Please note that AutoCAD alone cannot convert (explode) Spline entities to polylines and cannot replace curved lines (e.g. arcs) with segmented approximations.
Run the conversion using SplineConvert toolbar button or by _sc_convert command on AutoCAD command line. Specify required parameters for conversion - source curve, segment length (tolerance), target layer. Optionally you can delete source entities and filter source entity types.
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