Abacre Advanced Find And Replace v3.0

Release: Abacre Advanced Find And Replace v3.0

- Datum: 08.09.2007
Search multiple documents with smart queries and batch replace lines of text
- Search files with smart queries as with AltaVista or Google.
- Replace simple or multiline text in multiple files.
- Complete search and replace in Microsoft Office Word Excel and PowerPoint files.
- With batch replace operation you can easily replace or update hundreds of different links in several files.
- Preview found text as with Google.
- Possibility to replace in file names it can be used as full-featured file renamer.
- Use Perl-style regular expressions for replacements of any complexity.
- Saves results in XML and other formats.
- Works with command line params.
- Extremely fast easy to use and excellent documentation is included.
- It is a great time-saver for programmers and Webmasters
Supports 12 languages.
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