FolderSizes v3.4.0.0

Release: FolderSizes v3.4.0.0

- Datum: 24.08.2005
BulletProof FolderSizes is a powerful software utility that people everywhere are using to understand their hard disk space utilization.
BulletProof FolderSizes works by scanning a hard drive or folder of your choice and providing visual feedback on the results.
BulletProof FolderSizes generates detailed and graphical drive space usage reports on the fly, while it's scanning your system.
You can drill into any subfolder with a double-click (in the detail list or the graph image), allowing you to quickly locate the source of excessive hard drive space consumption.
FolderSizes goes far beyond the capabilities of competing solutions by combining several tools into one:
* Disk Space Explorer - Awesome detail view, coupled with stunning graphical bar and pie graphs
* Duplicate File Report - Quickly isolate and manage duplicate files within any folder or volume
* Largest Files Report - FolderSizes can quickly show you which files are eating up the most space * Oldest Files Report - Use your own criteria to find old files that may no longer be needed * Temporary File Report - Eliminate temp file clutter left over from software installs, downloads, browsing, etc.
* File Owners Report - Discover which users are consuming the most space on local and network drives
* File Types & Attributes Reports - See the distribution of disk space by file type or attributes
* Drive Space Monitor - Instant, at-a-glance view of any local, mapped, or removable disk
* File Sizes, Names & Dates Reports - NEW in 3.0! Powerful, customizable range-oriented file reports
* Scan Filtering - Filter file system scans by filename, date, owner name, and more
* Integrated Search - Search multiple paths by nearly any file criteria (including file owner)
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