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LaserSoft SilverFast HDR Studio v6.4.2r9

Release: LaserSoft SilverFast HDR Studio v6.4.2r9

LaserSoft SilverFast HDR Studio v6.4.2r9

SilverFast HDR Studio - For those who like to be creative and productive

LaserSoft Imaging is proud to present SilverFast HDR Studio. This is an enhanced version of SilverFast HDR with new features, that make the processing of your digital images much more easier and convenient:

* AACO - Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimisation
* New! SilverFast PhotoProof - the optimum tool for color managed contract proofs
* The Clone Tool
* Unsharp mask PLUS
* Automatic image import with re-naming function
* Conversion of RAW-Data
* JPEG 2000 support (16bit compression)

Feature Upgrades
Users of the versions SilverFast DCPro and HDR can download the new features

SilverFast AACO, the Clone Tool and the unsharp mask as an upgrade with additional costs.

SilverFast PhotoProof - the optimum tool for color managed contract proofs By using SilverFast PhotoProof, you are able to create a color managed contact proof on a calibrated output device. You only have to select the ICC profile of the printer, paper and ink combination and the desired FOGRA
media wedge. The media wedge is used as a reference for a true-to-color proof. When activating SilverFast PhotoProof, you will see a simulation of the CMYK reference color space by soft proofing on the calibrated monitor.

The advantages of SilverFast PhotoProof at a glance:

* Professional optimization of RGB data
* Proofing RGB data in a simulated CMYK preview
* Embedded media wedge for true colors when sending the image data to a press
* Visualization of RGB data by means of a softproof on the screen
* No conversion to the CMYK color model, no loss of information
* No separation, no RIP required


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<

1) Unpack
2) Install
3) Unzip crack(s) to application directory and overwrite.
4) Enjoy!
Read *.NFO!


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