Bram Bos Tunafish v1.8

Release: Bram Bos Tunafish v1.8

- Datum: 29.05.2008
Congratulations, you've caught the Tunafish, the most accessible
vst/music sequencer youÆll ever find.
Just open up a can of plugins, add some samples and start creating
professional sounding tracks without spending weeks learning.
Simple Sequencer
See what's going on. Hands-on control. Everything is laid out in an
intuitive single-window view. Never again lose the mixer somewhere
under layers of other windows or wonder where to find your
playlists. There are nicer things to do than window management.
Pianoroll editor
Load up a Synthesizer-plugin and draw your notes in the pianoroll
editor. No need to know much about traditional music theory; see
what you hear, hear what you see.
Drum Grid
Use the drum grid to create your drum tracks and percussive
patterns. A bunch of ready to use samples is already included with
Tunafish so you can be laying beats in less than 10 mouseclicks
from installation.
Arpeggiator for VST instruments
Create instant coolness by applying the built-in Arpeggiator to any
VST instrument. Simply hit a chord and hear how Tunafish processes
it into rhythmic patterns.
Built-in Effects
Every channel has its own array of effects like reverb,
stereo-delays and a gatemask to make your sounds stutter.
Additionally, you can also insert up to 3 VST effect plugins per
Easily save a lot of CPU power by "freezing" channels that you're
not currently editing. Click the Freeze button and the CPU load
drops. Naturally, "Unfreezing" is just as simple.
Control your virtual synths with *real* knobs and sliders. The
simple MIDI-Learn feature helps you assign any knob on any midi
controller to any VST parameter in your virtual instruments.
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