Intel Math Kernel Library v8.0.2.004

Release: Intel Math Kernel Library v8.0.2.004

- Datum: 10.03.2006
Highly optimized, thread-safe math routines for High-Performance Computing (HPC) science, engineering, and financial applications that require maximum performance on Intel® processors.
Outstanding FFT performance and new FFTW interface
Read about mapping between FFTW and MKL FFT APIs
Talk to other users: Visit the Intel MKL forum
Library Functionality
Linear Algebra (BLAS and LAPACK)
Linear Algebra (Direct and Iterative Sparse Solvers)
Fast Fourier Transforms
Vector Math Library
Vector Statistical Library (random number generators)
Key Features
Outstanding Performance on Intel® Platforms
Intel MKL is highly optimized for Intel® Itanium® 2, Intel® Xeon™, and Intel® Pentium® 4 processor-based systems.
Automatic Runtime Processor Detection
Ensures that processor-specific optimized code is executed.
Excellent Scaling on Multiprocessors
Enables applications to automatically obtain greater performance on multiprocessors. You gain the advantage of parallelism with none of the work.
Threading Support
Intel MKL is a thread-safe library.
Redistribute unlimited copies of the runtime libraries with your software.
Intel® Premier Support
Purchase of the Intel MKL includes one year of Intel® Premier Support.
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