File Security Manager v1.6.0 Build 21

Release: File Security Manager v1.6.0 Build 21

- Datum: 12.03.2006
File Security Manager allows managing file and folder permissions with ease in Windows XP Home Edition using advanced security settings interface like Windows XP Professional provides.
As far as you know Windows XP Home has no security management and access control. Sometimes it is a problem for home users and laptop owners, especially if the computer connected to network.
Using File Security Manager you can set, edit or remove permissions, view effective permissions, change owner of the files. For example: allow access for one user and deny for others, allow access to shared folder but deny access to subfolder of the shared folder, allow copy executables from shared folder but deny launch them when they are accessed through network.
File Security Manager includes secure deletion of folders and files meaning that files and folders can be permanently deleted, without ability to recovery. Secure deletion can erase separate files or entire folders and useful when it is necessary to destroy a file's contents.
Main window of the program is the Security Navigator which can be used as a very fast file browser. The Security Navigator is integrated into Windows Shell by default.
For quick permissions management program provides Security Wizard which simplifies your work with permissions and secure deletion. For advanced security settings there are the Security Editor. Any of security tasks program allows you can perform also on shared folders mapped as network drives.
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