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Mailing List Deluxe v6.01

Release: Mailing List Deluxe v6.01

Mailing List Deluxe v6.01

Mailing List Deluxe Publisher's Description
Mailing List Deluxe is designed to create and support mailing lists for your clients and subscribers. The new version supports multi-part html messages with embedded images, combined text and html messages, has a WYSIWYG html message editor, can send custom attachment for each recipient. The Deluxe version also has a built-in smtp server and can send mail directly without any help from the ISP server.

System Requirements
A standard Windows PC

What's new
New version allows to have time delays on the emails, so that you can email all users without exceeding per hour limit. For example, if your ISP limits the maximum emails per hour or you do not want overload your server.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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