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Laplink PCdefense v1.00.25

Release: Laplink PCdefense v1.00.25

Laplink PCdefense v1.00.25

Laplink has released PCdefense to address the dangers facing consumers and businesses alike due to current online PC security gaps. PCdefense addresses deficiencies in conventional and popular security products that are leaving millions of Internet users vulnerable to privacy violations, identity theft, and attack.

By focusing on emerging threats, Laplink PCdefense addresses deficiencies found in many of the leading security solutions. For instance, unlike most products, PCdefense identifies rootkits, which have received broad media attention since rootkit technology was found in products from trusted companies such as Sony BMG and Symantec.

Rootkits can leave PC users vulnerable to cyber criminals because they can hide viruses and spyware from conventional security software. These unauthorized programs can then work undetected, quietly transmitting sensitive data or destroying the user's PC. Discoveries are continually being made which indicate that other legitimate software products may also contain security-compromising rootkits.

PCdefense also protects against keyloggers, a type of spyware that covertly records and transmits the user's keystrokes to online criminals. This data is used to harvest passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other private information in order to steal a user's identity and access their bank accounts and credit cards.

Another industry-first feature in PCdefense is its "insurance solution", a disaster recovery function that helps PC users recover from complete hardware or software failure. PCdefense allows the user to restore all files, settings, and even programs after a catastrophic failure. Even if the user's PC is lost or stolen, a new PC can be set up and all files, settings, and programs restored with just a few mouse clicks.

"As a long-time leader in PC connectivity, we have been well aware of the risks involved in connecting to the Internet," explained Thomas Koll, CEO. "We were concerned that conventional approaches to security were simply not adequately protecting people and their PCs. Every day there are new types of malware and crimeware emerging, and we recognized that a new and more effective approach was needed to stay ahead of cyber criminals."

"As a connectivity leader, it's in our best interests to make the Internet a safe place to work and play," explained Emir Aboulhosn, VP Marketing Communications. "There are many security providers that reduce the risk, but existing solutions still leave PC users far too vulnerable. We believe PCdefense will help to fill these gaps and make the Internet much safer to use."


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