TimeBox v5.6.5

Release: TimeBox v5.6.5

- Datum: 18.02.2006
The TimeBox application is a multi-platform time management tool for contractors and consulting professionals. Features include a punch-clock metaphor, at-a-glance time summaries, a customizable report generator, and advanced search and editing capabilities. But what really set TimeBox apart are its network capabilities. Users can access their TimeBox applications over the wired or wireless Internet via any standard Web browser; the application is also integrated into the TimeSuite time management system, allowing individual users to submit their time to TimeStor, a central server application which summarizes and reports on collective times. Version 5.6.5 fixes a minor bug with merging times, fixes an issue where saved formatted reports could not be opened in some applications, allows the main window to autoscroll when the number of activities recorded is larger than the room to display them.
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