Trend Micro AntiSpyware Enterprise Edition v3.0.0.76

Release: Trend Micro AntiSpyware Enterprise Edition v3.0.0.76

- Datum: 18.02.2006
Trend Micro™ Anti-Spyware Enterprise Edition is a standalone anti-spyware solution that protects clients and servers with superior spyware detection and cleanup supported by true enterprise-class management. It stops spyware from installing by actively monitoring file downloads. A highly efficient spyware database and heuristic rule set scan and clean clients accurately, with a small footprint. It is the only product that includes Trend Micro CWShredder™ to eradicate CoolWebSearch browser hijackers. Centralized management eases administration and deployment while supporting large organizations’ needs for scalability at multiple levels. Anti-Spyware Enterprise Edition is compatible with major enterprise desktop security products.
- Enterprise-Wide Centralized Management and Deployment
- Client Administration Through Web-Based, Enterprise Server Console
- Client Scanning, Cleanup, and Automatic Updates
- Flexible Reporting
- Compatible with Major Enterprise Antivirus Products
- 24x7 Service from TrendLabs
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