NI Digital Waveform Editor v2.0

Release: NI Digital Waveform Editor v2.0

- Datum: 06.03.2006
The National Instruments Digital Waveform Editor is an interactive software tool for creating, editing, and importing digital waveforms. You can link your design and test together by importing existing test vectors in ASCII or Value Change Dump (.VCD) files from popular spreadsheet and digital simulation packages. Once imported, you can view the waveforms graphically and edit them interactively in the user interface for different test conditions. You can also build new waveforms automatically with built-in fill patterns.
NI Digital Waveform Editor 2.0 now offers six digital states on a per-cycle, per-channel basis. The new states include the tristate (Z) and three compare states (H, L, and X), which are compatible with the NI 6551 and NI 6552 digital instruments. The compare states specify the expected response of the acquired data for a given clock cycle. The six digital states provide you with precise control over when the digital device generates data, when it acquires and analyzes data, and when it is in a high-impedance state.
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