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LAB DJ2 v1.1.3

Release: LAB DJ2 v1.1.3

LAB DJ2 v1.1.3

Lab DJ 2 is dramatically simplified and enhanced. Try it with a touch
screen, try it for audio books, use two CD drives, use two sound cards,
record with the Virtual Audio Cable... The sky is the limit, and the
price is still ground level. It's only $29 at Lab DJ 2 can
use the front and rear outputs of your soundcard separately for the main
output and headphones cueing. A single play list serves both decks
allowing for quick organization and adjustment. CPU use has been greatly
reduced, and it still plays backwards and has more frequencies in the
octave analyzer. Math people and DaVinci Code readers should appreciate
some of the nuances in the design that are based on Phi. I hope you try
Lab DJ 2, I hope you like it, and I hope you buy it.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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