Sonalksis SV-517 Stereo EQ DX VST v1.2

Release: Sonalksis SV-517 Stereo EQ DX VST v1.2

- Datum: 09.02.2005
The SONALKSIS SV-517 Equalizer Plug-in is a 6 band tonal equalizer
developed for professional audio sound sculpting. It employs
unique design methods to provide a tone control with true
‘Analogue’ characteristics, whilst offering flexibility that can
only be provided by a digital processor.
- 6 filter bands; 2 variable slope filters
and 4 parametric bands, of which 2 are
switchable shelves.
- Sonalksis 'State-space' system model for
true analogue response.
- Multiple parametric equaliser types
inclucing classic models.
- Multiple styles of resonant shelf.
- 64bit floating point precision internal
processing throughout.
- Up to 192 kHz support.
- Ultra efficient processing, with specific
optimisations for native processors.
- Glitchless transitions when switching
bands in and out.
- Graphical feedback display
- One control per function user-interface.
New in v1.2:
- Graph handles - as requested by many of
our users we have now added 'handles' to
the EQ graph display, allowing control of
Frequency, Gain and Q of all EQ bands, as
well as Frequency and Rolloff of the HP
and LP filters
- Switchable meter types - the output meters
can now display meter information as
either PPM or true peak, with switchable
peak led options
- Mousewheel support has been added, with
switchable mousewheel sensitivity
- Switchable 'knob mode' - you can now
override the host software's setting for
choosing either Circular or Linear modes
of controlling circular controls
- Setup button/screen - so your settings can
be easily set and saved
- Built in Presets. The presets previously
contained in the .fxb file are now 'built
- Further platform specific optimisations
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