Time Boss v2.3.0.0

Release: Time Boss v2.3.0.0

- Datum: 01.04.2007
Û Time Boss is a PC Time Manager program. Û
Û It gives you an opportunity to limit the Û
Û time of work on PC (or only in Internet) Û
Û for chosen Windows users (your kids?). It Û
Û woudn't allow programs or web sites that Û
Û you choose even to start in chosen Û
Û session. (You can also forbid whole Û
Û folders or disks). Û
Û Time Boss has the event log and Û
Û screenshot log - It will show you, who Û
Û used yor PC, how long, and what did he do Û
Û there exactly. Û
Û Other useful manager features. Û
Û Time Boss has multilanguage support, Û
Û clear and functional interface. Û
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