SuperSpeed RamDisk Plus Secure v8.0.0.4

Release: SuperSpeed RamDisk Plus Secure v8.0.0.4

- Datum: 03.06.2006
RamDisk and RamDisk Plus offer dramatic improvement in the storage performance of servers and applications running on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. Intel’s IoMeter benchmark reveals that our ramdrives typically show a 50 times performance gain over a physical hard disk. In many instances, that translates into an improvement of 3 to 10 times in overall application speed.
In server environments, RAM disks are especially useful for enhancing the performance of servers or applications constrained by access to temporary data. For example, locating database tempdb files on a RAM disk can accelerate overall performance by 30 to 1000%. Server editions of RamDisk and RamDisk Plus support fail-over server clusters.
RamDisk Secure and RamDisk Plus Secure offer a secure storage environment. These products automatically destroy all data located on secured RAM disks upon termination of each user session.
The performance solutions provided by RamDisk and RamDisk Plus are for temporary data that can fit into available RAM. To accelerate access to permanent data that can fit into RAM see SuperVolume.
SuperCache II can accelerate access to very large amounts of permanent data. For more information, see the server product suite or the desktop product suite.
SuperSpeed Software, Inc. offers a full range of feature-packed RamDisk products. Among their features are:
* Microsoft "Designed for Windows" logo'd – tested for high reliability
* Fastest read/write disk solution – 50x faster than hard disks
* Load and save RAM disk image – manage images manually or automatically
* Server cluster support – RAM disk cluster resource
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