ConceptDraw Professional v6.0

Release: ConceptDraw Professional v6.0

- Datum: 22.06.2006
²Û² ConceptDraw Professional offers a comprehensive set of ²Û²
²Û² drawing and diagramming tools for business and technical ²Û²
²Û² professionals. Cross-platform and versatile, it includes ²Û²
²Û² all the features of ConceptDraw Standard, plus more ²Û²
²Û² specialized libraries, CAD compatibility and support for ²Û²
²Û² additional formats for easier data exchange. Support for ²Û²
²Û² PowerPoint lets you easily use ConceptDraw drawings and ²Û²
²Û² diagrams in PowerPoint presentations. The program also ²Û²
²Û² supports Outline text format: this means you can describe ²Û²
²Û² a chart in a text file and the program will create a ²Û²
²Û² diagram out of it, or you can save your diagram as a text ²Û²
²Û² outline. ConceptDraw Professional is specially intended ²Û²
²Û² for software and database developers, Web designers, ²Û²
²Û² managers, engineers, architects, scientists and other ²Û²
²Û² professionals. ²Û²
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