Clonk Endeavour v4.95.5

Release: Clonk Endeavour v4.95.5

- Datum: 26.06.2006
lonk Endeavour is the sequel to Clonk Planet. It is based on the familiar 2D game worlds. Clonk Endeavour incorporates extensions and improvements from years of ongoing Clonk development in a new game.
The all new graphics system based on Direct3D and OpenGL offers 32-bit display for enhanced quality and lots of new visual effects. All game graphics have been renewed, all game objects have been reworked and fine tuned, and numerous selected new objects and scenarios have been integrated into the game. Player feedback and suggestions have been implemented on many occasions. The technological advancement is rounded off by a new sound system which allows music playback in full quality regardless of the type of installed sound card.
Clonk Endeavour provides an overall new, more professional look, improved playability through numerous small corrections and in various places a more comfortable user interface.
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