Borland Together Architect 2006 *iSO*

Release: Borland Together Architect 2006 *iSO*

- Datum: 09.12.2005
Borland Together Architect is a comprehensive, multilanguage modeling solution for software architects who design, develop, and communicate about enterprise application architectures while working with stakeholders from across development and business organizations.
Borland Together Architect is a visual modeling platform designed to support architects, developers, UML designers, business process analysts, and data modelers in the accelerated delivery of high-quality software applications.
Create UML 2 and business process models (BPMN) to generate business process execution language with Web Services definitions (BPEL4WS). Increase productivity and quality by automating design and code reviews with audits and metrics at the model and code level.
New Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) features include OMGs Query View Transformation (QVT) used in model-to-model transformations and support for OCL 2.0 with syntax highlighting, validation, and code sense.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
Check the /CRACK folder on CD1 for the crack! It's multiplatform.
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