WinBackup Open File Manager v3.7.8

Release: WinBackup Open File Manager v3.7.8

- Datum: 30.05.2006
he WinBackup Open File Manager add-on enhances allows open file backup protection and guarantees the backup of all mission-critical files open on servers, locked because certain applications restrict access, or in-use because of Windows operating system intervention. In this way, WinBackup Server awards complete peace of mind since all the latest files are being restored when disaster strikes.
Open Files
With WinBackup Open File Manager, system administrators can make sure that all files open for reading, writing or changing are being backed up.
These include all document oriented applications saved or running on a server such as:
* Word documents and Excel Spreadsheets
* Adobe PDFs
* Visio VSD
* Photoshop PSD
* Dreamweaver HTML
* … many more
In-use Files
The Open File Support feature also guarantees that any file that is in use, for example, Windows system files (utilized by Windows Server 2000 and 2003), is being backed up for complete data protection. In this way WinBackup awards complete peace of mind and reliability since system administrators can restore the latest working copy of any file that has been compromised.
These include non-locked but in-use files runing through:
* SQL, MS ACCESS, ORACLE, other database formats
* Windows System Files and Windows Files
* Active Directory Files
Locked Files
Open File Support guarantees that all files locked to deny access to all other processes on a Windows operating system are being backed up.
These include locked files runing through:
* Exchange Files
* Windows System Files and Windows Files
* Active Directory Files
The WinBackup Open File Support Manager Add-on when installed together with WinBackup Server ensures that all server files are backed up, including log files that are being appended to, files open for reading and writing, files that are being changed during backup, registry files, executables and dynamic link libraries (dll) that may be running.
Open File Manager supports a networked computing environment by allowing access to open, in-use and locked files over mapped drives and networked computers.
No interruption to 24x7 data protection - Open File Manager runs in the background and does not require user intervention.
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