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VirtualCamera v1.0.1.1

Release: VirtualCamera v1.0.1.1

VirtualCamera v1.0.1.1

VirtualCamera is a virtual software camera that can be installed on
Windows 98 ME 2000 and XP. It needs no hardware. It can use your
former medias, including pictures, video clips etc. as its sources,
and let your application use it as a real camera.

Most popular IM software such as MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger,
PalTalk, etc. support real time video chat. But if you have no
camera, you will lose some interesting things. So you need the

If you already have a web cam, you can use VirtualCamera too.
VirtualCamera can easily switch its input to your real camera and
easily switch it out. Sometimes when you want share some pictures
with your net friends or you want to play your movies to them, you
can use VirtualCamera.

VirtualCamera supports most type of media such as pictures(jpg, gif,
bmp etc.) and videos(wmv, avi, asf, mpeg, rm, rmvb etc.). You can
also select a folder which contains a lot of media files and let
VirtualCamera play them to your net friends one by one.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<


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