DLUBAL Plate Buckling 8.13.01 x64

Release: DLUBAL.Plate.Buckling.v8.13.01.x64.Multilingual-EQUiNOX
Dlubal - Professional Software for Structural Analysis & Design!
Dlubal - BIM ready software for structural analysis of steel, reinforced concrete, timber and
aluminium structures in civil, plant and mechanical engineering, glass design and dynamics.
Dlubal Software company has been involved in the development of user-friendly and powerful
programs for structural and dynamic calculations and analyses as well as for designs
of framework structures.
User-friendliness and effectiveness of our structural analysis software as well as
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The RF-/PLATE-BUCKLING is available as an addon module for RFEM/RSTAB or as a
separate standalone program.
It performs plate buckling analysis of rectangular plates according to the
following standards:
* EN 1993 1 5:2006
* DIN 18800 3:1990 11
It is possible to apply horizontal or vertical stiffeners to the plates
(for example flat plates, angles, T-stiffeners, trapezoidal stiffeners, channel sections).
Loading on the plate boundaries can be applied in several ways and can be imported from
the main program RFEM/RSTAB.
The plate buckling design in RF/PLATE-BUCKLING is always performed on the total
buckling panel as the potential stiffeners are considered in the 3D FE model.
Thus, designs of single (c/t) parts or buckling panel sections are omitted.
* For design according to Eurocode 3, the following National Annexes (NA) are available:
* Belgium NBN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-03 (Belgium)
* Cyprus CYS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2009-03 (Cyprus)
* CSN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2008-07 (Czech Republic)
* SFS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2006 (Finland)
* DIN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2010-12 (Germany)
* UNI EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-02 (Italy)
* NEN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-04 (Netherlands)
* NS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2009-06 (Norway)
In addition to the National Annexes listed above, you can also define a specific NA,
applying user-defined limit values and parameters.
* Import of all relevant internal forces from RFEM/RSTAB by selecting numbers of members
and buckling panels with determination of governing boundary stresses
* Summary of stresses in load cases with determination of governing load
* Separate materials for stiffener and plate
* Import of stiffeners from an extensive library (flat plate and bulb flat steel, angle,
T-section, channel, and trapezoidal sheeting)
* Determination of effective widths according to EN 1993-1-5 (Table 4.1 or 4.2) or DIN 18800
* Optional calculation of critical local buckling stresses by analytical formulas of
annexes A.1, A.2, A.3 of EC 3 or by means of FEA calculation
* Designs (stress, deformation, torsional buckling) of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners
* Optional consideration of buckling effects according to DIN 18800, Part 3, Eq. (13)
* Photo-realistic representation (3D rendering) of buckling panel including stiffeners,
stress conditions, and buckling modes with animation
* Documentation of all input data and results in a verifiable printout report
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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