Surfcam Traditional is a powerful 3D CAM product that achieves the balance between feature sets
and ease of use. With an unrivalled out of the box experience, Surfcam Traditional can help
your business become even more productive and profitable.
Surfcam Traditional offers the following applications:
SURFCAM Traditional 2 Axis
SURFCAM Traditional’s 2 Axis system is the most cost effective, high performance CAM package with a robust library of toolpath strategies. For the ultimate roughing power, add on the the TRUEMill option to provide you with increased material remove rates by up to 5X while extending the life of the cutting tool.
SURFCAM Traditional 3 Axis
SURFCAM Traditional’s 3 Axis system provides the combination of powerful functionality coupled with ease of use. SURFCAM Traditional delivers efficient, reliable toolpaths on even the most complex of surface geometry, providing high-speed machining strategies, minimal rapid moves and optimized tool motion..
SURFCAM Traditional 4/5 Axis
SURFCAM Traditional offers true simultaneous 4 & 5 Axis machining with full tool motion visualization and verification, ensuring safe tool motion for even the most challenging applications. The 4 & 5 Axis system provides support for all standard tools with collision checking, gouge avoidance, toolpath containment – and more.
SURFCAM Traditional Lathe & Mill Turn
SURFCAM Traditional Lathe provides control over every aspect of your turning requirements, from roughing to final finish. Gouge free paths that include turning, grooving and threading are the hallmark of SURFCAM Traditional Lathe. Support for advanced canned cycles add to the speed of getting code to the shop floor quickly and easily.
SURFCAM Traditional Wire EDM
SURFCAM Traditional Wire EDM contains three unique strategies designed to meet a variety of Wire EDM requirements.
SURFCAM SolidWorks
SolidWorks Part Design Only (PDO) or Part Design & Assemblies (PDA) are 2 add-on options for SURFCAM Traditional customers requiring world-class 3D solid modeling capabilities. These applications maintain associativity between the toolpaths and SolidWorks parts and assemblies in their CAD/CAM, design thru manufacturing environment.
SURFCAM Post Processors
Click here to view post processors available through SURFCAM Traditional and 3rd party resellers that can give you even more control over your machine tools.
Surfcam Add-Ins
These Add-Ins will provide you with additional power and functionality in SURFCAM Traditional.
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