Microsoft Windows 10 Fall Update v1709 Black Edition (x64)

Release: Microsoft Windows 10 Fall Update v1709 Black Edition (x64)

- Datum: 02.06.2018
This Windows is Build based on Windows 10 Pro Fall Creators With latest updates of October 2017.
What’s Removed:
No answer file used, so its not unattended, meaning you choose your account and settings just like original version. No settings altered, nothing removed, nothing harmed, UAC disabled for installation of above programs. Shortcut on desktop to re-enable UAC so that Startisback will run with full features
Whats Included :
Startisback++ 2.52
oldnew explorer preconfigured
.netframework 3.5 enabled
ultraUX Theme Patcher 3.3.1
KMSPico for activation
Install Instruction:
Make a Bootable USB/DVD using rufus or any other tool
Boot Windows from USB/DVD
Follow the on Screen Messages and Finish Intsallation.
If it Asks for Key then Click On I dont have a Product Key.
Finish the Installation.
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