Power Shell Studio 5.5.150 2018 x64 / x86

Release: SAPIEN.PowerShell.Studio.2018.v5.5.150.x64.x86-CRD
PowerShell Studio is the premier editor and tool-making environment for Windows PowerShell.
This single tool will meet all your scripting needs.
Create graphical tools using Windows PowerShell with the easy to use GUI designer.
Eliminate the need to manually write hundreds of lines of code.
Utilize PowerShell Studio´s templates and pre-wired controls
to create advanced GUIs in no time.
Create Windows PowerShell script modules in minutes with PowerShell Studio.
Easily convert your existing functions to a distributable module.
PowerShell Studio features a robust editor with syntax coloring, reference
highlighting, bookmarking, code formatting, and code completion.
Create, edit and manage code snippets to enhance your script development.
The script packager offers advanced option and platform selections to
deliver solutions targeted at specific environments.
You can restrict packages by domain, machine, user, platform and
MAC address to avoid unauthorized script execution.
Create MSI installers to distribute your scripts, executables and modules.
PowerShell Studio´s Performance Monitor visually tracks the performance of
your script by displaying real-time memory and CPU usage.
Console, Scripts, Script Modules or GUI Forms PowerShell Studio will meet
all your Windows PowerShell scripting needs.
Generates the Windows Forms code and allows remote debugging!
The premier Windows PowerShell integrated scripting and
tool-making environment available.
The updated ribbon UI makes it even easier to work with your scripts.
You can customize your panel layouts for the way YOU work or use one
of several predefined layouts.
Quickly change font size with a handy font size slider.
Use our function explorer to rapidly navigate to any function, event or workflow.
Change the name of a function or event and it will propagate throughout your script.
Our Object browser quickly connects you with PowerShell cmdlets, .NET, WMI,
databases or files.
Use Snippets to instantly add predefined and tested script segments to your work.
And work faster due to our performance enhancements and reduced load times.
Work the way YOU want with PowerShell.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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