L0phtCrack Enterprise 7.1.0 X64 / X86
![Sprache: Englisch](img/flags/en.png)
Release: L0pht.Holdings.L0phtCrack.Enterprise.v7.1.0.X64.X86-AMPED
L0phtCrack Enterprise comes with a new variety of methods and sources to retrieve passwords.
It supports GPU cracking, support local and remote machines with built-in reports and
remediation tools, and other excellent auditing features.
L0phtCrack Enterprise is packed with powerful features, multiprocessor algorithms,
and networks monitoring and decoding.
It provides an understandable scoring metric to quickly assess password quality
and determine the strength of the passwords (weak, medium, strong).
Key features:
* Determine the strength of the passwords
* Extensive security auditing and reporting
* Imports and cracks Windows & Unix passwords
* Powerful scheduling and remediation
* Ultrafast cracking and audit passwords
* Intuitive and easy-to-use with wizard
* Supports local, remote, disk, and networks
* Supports password hashes, and much more.
What’s new in L0phtCrack 7:
* Improved Unix password recovey support
* New powerful critically-acclaimed auditor
* New extensible with plug-in interface
* New GPU cracking support, and more
* New password hash importers & support
* New performance hundreds times faster
* Other bug fixes and improvements.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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