Golden Software Surfer and Grapher 15.5.382

Release: Golden.Software.Surfer.and.Grapher.v15.5.382-AMPED
Visualize Data
You work hard gathering your data. Don’t settle for subpar visualization.
Utilize Surfer’s extensive modeling tools to display your data the way
it deserves while maintaining accuracy and precision.
Clearly communicate information with Surfer.
Analyze Data
Discover the depths of your data with Surfer’s numerous analysis tools.
Adjust interpolation and gridding parameters, assess the spatial
continuity of data with variograms, define faults and breaklines, or
perform grid calculations such as volumes, transformations, smoothing,
or filtering. Surfer quickly transforms your data into knowledge.
Communicate Results
Communicate your hard-earned findings with confidence. Whether it is
for your project manager, thesis advisor, or client, Surfer facilitates
a complete and thorough understanding of data.
Visualize Data
Present your data at its best.
Grapher offers high-quality graphing tools so you can get the most
out of your data.
Grapher provides over 70 different 2D and 3D graphing options to best
display your data.
Analyze Data
Don’t miss any opportunity.
Your data may be hiding valuable information.
Utilize Grapher’s extensive analysis charts, tools, and statistical
features to identify trends, find new insights,
and locate opportunities.
Grapher provides a holistic view of your data.
Communicate Results
Grapher’s extensive selection of graph types and innumerable
customization options allow you to communicate your complex
ideas in a format that your audience will easily understand.
Let your data do the talking with Grapher.
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1 Datei 236,48 MB
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