Xara Photo and Graphic Designer X365 12.5.1

Release: Xara.Photo.and.Graphic.Designer.X365.v12.5.1.HAPPY.34th.ANNIVERSARY-F4CG
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer X365 is an easy-to-use program that provides all the tools needed for a range
of graphic design and photo editing tasks.
The new release provides some exciting new photo tools and SmartShapes, significant text enhancements and
some great new content.
There are two new types of photo grids.
‘Static’ Photo Grids are simple, fixed, visually attractive grids of photos onto which users can
drag & drop their own photo.
‘Smart’ Photo Grids smartly resize to fill the rectangles as photos are added or deleted, and users can
swap the positions of the photos, adjust the number of rows and columns and the border / gap between
all the photos.
Applying popular effects to photos is quick and easy with the new Photo Filter Pre-sets.
There are almost 30 of these ready-made effects in the Content Catalog.
Users can also create some dramatic contrast and saturation effects with the new Cross Process Photo Effects
that simulate a traditional photographic effect created by mixing up the chemicals.
The Effect Painter tool is a new way to paint effects directly on the photo, such as, brighten,
dodge and burn, saturation changes and a growing range of other effects.
The photo editing tools have also been enhanced with two new W3C standard transparency blend modes and a new
ultra-easy way to rotate, scale / pan and crop (which is great for horizon straightening).
The photo editor provides vector based, editable, non-destructive photo editing so the user can return to
the original image at any time.
Flexible text handling is one of the strengths of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer, yet Xara has still found
room for some improvements.
The popular Font Awesome collection of symbols has been updated, and is now supplemented by a collection
of Google Material Design Icons providing more than 1500 symbols in total.
To find the required symbol there’s a quick search function.
The Xara SmartShapes are an amazingly quick and easy way to create and edit some of the most commonly
required shapes.
Xara has also evolved this concept to include more complex objects, such as smart charts for percentage
ring, bar chart and column charts.
There are new smart text panels and photo panels and an enhanced version of the popular Spiral SmartShape.
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 365 has evolved into being a supremely capable non-destructive photo editor.
The under-pinning vector graphics are the basis for everything resulting in vector editing of photos,
which is pretty unique.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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