Screaming Frog SEO Spider 9.4

Release: Screaming.Frog.SEO.Spider.v9.4-NGEN
The SEO Spider is a powerful and flexible website crawler, able to crawl both small and very large
websites efficiently, while allowing you to analyse the results in real-time.
It gathers key onsite data to allow SEOs to make informed decisions.
The SEO Spider is a desktop website crawler and auditor which
spiders websites’ links, images, CSS, script and apps,
like a search engine to evaluate onsite SEO.
Find Broken Links
Crawl a website instantly and find broken links (404s) and server errors.
Bulk export the errors and source URLs to fix, or send to a developer.
Audit Redirects
Find temporary and permanent redirects, identify redirect chains and
loops, or upload a list of URLs to audit in a site migration.
Analyse Page Titles & Meta Data
Analyse page titles and meta descriptions during a crawl and identify those
that are too long, short, missing, or duplicated across your site.
Discover Duplicate Content
Discover exact duplicate URLs with an md5 algorithmic check, partially duplicated
elements such as page titles, descriptions or headings and find low content pages.
Extract Data with XPath
Collect any data from the HTML of a web page using CSS Path, XPath or regex.
This might include social meta tags, additional headings, prices, SKUs or more!
Review Robots & Directives
View URLs blocked by robots.txt, meta robots or X-Robots-Tag directives such as
‘noindex’ or ‘nofollow’, as well as canonicals and rel=“next” and rel=“prev”.
Generate XML Sitemaps
Quickly create XML Sitemaps and Image XML Sitemaps, with advanced configuration
over URLs to include, last modified, priority and change frequency.
Integrate with Google Analytics
Connect to the Google Analytics API and fetch user data, such as sessions or bounce rate
and conversions, goals, transactions and revenue for landing pages against the crawl.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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