RISA Connection 8.0.2

Release: RISA.Connection.v8.0.2-AMPED
The Ultimate Solution for Connection Design!
RISAConnection provides a comprehensive steel connection design with the aid of a 3D model.
RISAConnection aids in your calculations, giving you full control of the connection type
and components and the speed to change the connection with a flip of the switch.
RISAConnection takes the complexity out of calculations by listing explicitly
the calculations and the code check values.
Review your results in an easy-to-read report or inspect the connection in
a 2D shop drawing-style drawing.
RISAConnection Version 8 includes Brace to Base Plate Design, Double-Sided Shear Connections
and many more features.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 213,14 MB
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