Isotropix Clarisse iFX 3.6 SP3 X64

Release: Isotropix.Clarisse.iFX.v3.6.SP3.X64-AMPED
Meet Clarisse iFX, the most innovative 3D and VFX creation tool available on the market.
Layout, assemble, lookdev, light and render at an unprecedented speed.
Directly paint particles in Clarisse to layout geometry instances and drive each of
their attributes such as ID, rotation or scale etc. by painting
custom particle properties.
Use the new Bake Scatterer feature to bake any of your procedurally generated scatterers
to edit and control manually individual instances by using brush strokes.
You can now build complex animations out of a few animated items to allow
you to very easily animate massive crowds, simulate blast of
winds in forests or create chain-reaction explosions.
And many more...
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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2 Dateien 561,64 MB
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