Tyrano Builder Visual Novel Studio

Release: Tyrano.Builder.Visual.Novel.Studio.APP-DARKSiDERS
Start making your own multi-platform video games right NOW, even
if you know nothing about game programming or scripting!
TyranoBuilder’s suite of intuitive drag-and-drop tools allows you
to create high quality visual novels with speed and ease
and bring your creativity visions to reality!
Drag & Drop Editor
Create high quality visual novels with speed and ease with
TyranoBuilder’s suite of intuitive drag-and-drop tools.
No programming knowledge necessary!
Export for Browsers!
One of TyranoBuilder’s truly stand-out features!
Create browser-based games or demos to maximize
the audience for your game or demo!
Camera Pan, Zoom, & Tilt
Dynamic camera functionality allows you to pan, zoom and tilt
the in-game camera and add even more drama to your scenes!
Sample Asset Library
TyranoBuilder includes a library of free to use sample characters
and backgrounds, so you can boot up and start creating right away!
Video Backdrops
Sometimes a static background just won’t cut it!
Bring your scenes even more to life with video backdrops!
3D Character Animation
Use 3D character animation in YOUR visual novels with
TyranoBuilder’s Live2D compatibility!
Live2D makes 3D character animation easy!
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 255,07 MB
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