4M IDEA Architecture 19 X64

Release: 4MIDEA.Architecture.v19.X64-AMPED
4M IDEA is the alternative to Revit or ArchiCAD, yet easier and faster
to use and significantly more affordable to maintain.
100% DWG & 100% IFC Compatible, 4M IDEA Architecture is the powerful
BIM software for 3D & 2D Architectural design, Rendering and
Animation, as well as for 4D Scheduling and 5D Costing.
4M IDEA Architecture offers advanced 3D BIM modeling within
an AutoCAD-like look and feel.
You only need to master very simple 2D commands like polylines,
entity snaps, copy... and you will soon be drawing in 3D
by using our libraries of 3D BIM objects.
You just need to draw the floor plans using the intelligent and
parametric objects of our AutoBLD menu and IDEA Architecture
will build the 3D from it.
A simple double-click on any of our objects will display its
properties for an easy modification.
Unlike other BIM Architectural Software, IDEA Architecture
uses DWG as its native file format and includes features to
convert the 3D BIM objects into simple vectors that can be
further viewed and modified in AutoCAD.
You can therefore freely share 2D or 3D files with most of CAD users.
You get 2 software in one, you have the BIM features for advanced 3D
design and all the CAD features to edit some DWG drawings.
Our Architectural Software includes extensive libraries of 3D
intelligent and parametric objects.
Instead of drawing each line you just need to choose the object and
define its size, materials and options and IDEA Architecture will
draw it in 2D and 3D.
Besides the software knows how the objects interact one with the other
and performs many tasks automatically, saving you a lot of time.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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