Jixipix Puzzi Pix Pro 1.0.5 X64

Release: Jixipix.Puzzi.Pix.Pro.x64.v1.0.5-LAXiTY
Look how easy it is to turn any photo into a jigsaw puzzle!
If you’re looking to add dimension to your photo creation,
PuzziPix Pro will leave a lasting impression.
Simple transform any image into a jigsaw puzzle.
PuzziPix Pro Includes:
* Film Grain and Texture
* Tools to send Pieces Front or Back
* Tools to Move, Rotate and Resize one Piece or Groups of them
* Shape Library to add Shapes to the Puzzle Composition
* Button to Auto Snap puzzle pieces back together—or groups of them
* Option to Import Custom Shapes and transform them into Puzzle Pieces
* Option to Import a Photo into Individual Pieces
* Ability to Conform Pieces to a Shape
* Ability to Add a Background and Foreground Image
* Settings to change the background to Transparent, Textured or Solid Color
* 3D Edges
* 3D Lighting
* Exposure
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 103,06 MB
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