HotDoor CADtools v4.0.1 for Adobe Illustrator

Release: HotDoor CADtools v4.0.1 for Adobe Illustrator

- Datum: 17.07.2006
Now you can draw in any scale, dimension artwork with a mouse click, and numerically control size and location of objects or points. Just click-drag with CADtools 4 to make design work easy and elegant - right inside Adobe Illustrator. New features include automatic dimensioning, wall and wall editing tools, numeric path division, fully editable dimensions, and more!
# Draw Illustrator art in any scale
# Snap to handy 2D or isometric grids
# Numerically control size and placement of objects
# Pull out labels automatically
# Click-drag dimensions with style
# Instantly dimension objects
# Fully editable dimensions - as text or numeric measurement
# Apply dual dimensioning and tolerancing
# Draw, project or dimension in 2D or isometric views
# Smart trim and extend tools
# Path divider marks and cuts paths into equal parts and more!
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