EJ Technologies Install4j Multi-Platform Edition 7.0.7 X64 / X86

Release: EJTechnologies.Install4j.Multi-Platform.Edition.v7.0.7.X64.X86-FSOCIETY
The Powerful Multi-Platform Java Installer Builder.
Install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers
and application launchers for Java applications.
Some installer builders require that you first become an expert in building installers.
Not so with install4j, where all configuration steps are intuitive and self-explanatory.
The install4j IDE guides you naturally through the process of gathering required information.
Building an installer that works is a matter of minutes.
Nonetheless, you have a powerful arsenal of functionality at your disposal when you need it.
The installer is the first thing your users see of your application.
A smooth installation experience is an important step in creating
happy users and a successful product.
A substandard installer, however, can ruin the initial impression that is so important for
the image of a product.
With install4j, your installers will look beautiful and feel natural to users on all platforms.
With install4j, you can configure the screen flow for the installer and uninstaller in
any way you like. install4j provides screens and actions for a wide variety of use cases and
allows you to create your own actions directly in the install4j IDE.
Actions can be attached to each screen, making install4j a visual programming system far
more powerful than traditional installer builders.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 129,11 MB
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