Art Rage 5.0.8 X64

Release: Art.Rage.v5.0.8.x64-MESMERiZE
ArtRage is a digital artist’s studio with a full range of familiar tools
that look and work like the real things.
It’s a canvas for thick, expressive oils and delicate watercolors,
a sketchpad with a full set of pencils, and a sheet of paper
with a stack of wax crayons all in one.
* Realistic painting tools
* Easy to use interface
* Powerful digital utilities
* For beginners to pros
* Smear and blend thick oils to create natural color gradients.
* Sketch with pencils and shade with the edge of the tip.
* Create delicate watercolor strokes that react to canvas texture.
* And much more, without any fuss!
ArtRage is used for traditional style art, graphic design, picture book
illustrations, movie and video game concept art, scientific illustrations,
fan art, comics, caricatures, abstracts, photo editing, special effects,
product design and more.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 120,03 MB
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