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Multi User Desktop 2004 v2.6.5 Professional

Release: Multi User Desktop 2004 v2.6.5 Professional

Multi User Desktop 2004 v2.6.5 Professional

Increase your work space and boost your productivity. Use a new desktop for a clean environment for new tasks or connect desktops to other computers for easy remote control or a terminal server session. Multi User Desktop 2004 creates an unlimited number of real--not virtual--desktops. All desktops can run different GUIs or shells, can be connected to other computers with VNC or RDP protocols, can be authenticated with different Windows users, can store different icons, can use different display resolutions, and can be individually password-locked. The profile and icon manager creates profiles and saves all desktop-configuration settings as well as the exact position of all icons on all desktops. The Professional version features remote desktops and is compatible with RealVNC, Microsoft, and Citrix terminal servers, as well as with a Windows XP remote connection. Lite, Standard, and Professional versions are available.Version 2.6.0056 modifies Lite version, add new features and stability improvements.


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