Font Lab VI X64 / X86

Release: Font.Lab.VI.v6.0.9.6798.X64.X86-MESMERiZE
FontLab VI is an integrated font editor that helps you create fonts
from start to finish, from a simple design to a really “ultra bold”
complex project, and brings a spark of magic into type design.
Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, you can create, open, modify,
draw, space, kern, hint and export desktop, web, color
and variable fonts.
Your design process will be faster and more efficient with FontLab’s
groundbreaking drawing tools and responsive contour operations.
Brush & Power Brush
Apply the Power Brush to a “skeleton” contour for live, adjustable
calligraphic strokes.
Control the angle and thickness of the brush, and tweak it even
after you’ve drawn.
Save Power Brush presets and apply them to other contours across
your font.
Pencil tool
Our Pencil is a radical new sketching tool. Trim, tweak, modify,
smooth, adjust.
Nothing gets in the way of creative successive approximation,
especially not the usual constraints of wrangling BĂ©zier curves.
Rapid tool
Our Rapid tool is a Pen on turbo. Click for a line, double-click
for a curve, that’s it.
FontLab knows which nodes should be extremes, and automatically
makes smooth curves with your chosen node positions.
Move the Rapid handles to change the curve segment Tension, or
double-click to apply the current font-wide default.
Rapid is great for quick drawing of consistent shapes, or for
intelligent manual tracing of a scan or background image.
Complete color support
In FontLab VI, everything is color-enabled.
Draw multi-color contours, bring in color outlines, SVGs and bitmap
images, overlay layered fonts and create emoji or chromatic fonts
for all Color OpenType-enabled platforms:
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC 2018, macOS, Windows 8+, iOS,
Android and modern web browsers.
Integrated ScanFont
You’ve made your drawings somewhere else? No problem.
Copy-paste glyph outlines or color vector graphics from Adobe
Illustrator, FontLab Studio, or other vector drawing or font
apps, import SVG drawings and bitmap images.
Arrange them on the Sketchboard, optionally turn bitmaps into smooth
vector graphics using autotrace, then automatically assign the
letterforms to glyphs to create a fully working font in
a few minutes. No need for a separate ScanFont app!
Full Unicode & OpenType
Test your OpenType features with the built-in HarfBuzz OpenType Layout
engine with complete complex-script support.
Search for glyphs based on Unicode character names and Unicode scripts.
FontLab VI stays up-to-date with the latest Unicode
and OpenType standards.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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