JetBrains Ruby Mine 2018.2.3

Release: Jet.Brains.Ruby.Mine.v2018.2.3-AMPED
Work Faster with a Smart Editor!
Produce high-quality code more efficiently, thanks to first-class support for Ruby and Rails,
JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB and HAML, CSS, Sass and Less, and more.
Take advantage of language specific-aware syntax & error highlighting, code formatting,
code completion, and quick documentation.
Use smart search to jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window.
It only takes one click to switch to the declaration, super method, test, usages,
implementation, and more.
Enjoy super fast navigation in your Rails project with MVC-based project view and model,
class and gem dependencies diagrams.
Follow community best practices with code inspections verifying your code for many types
of possible errors, and providing on-the-fly improvements with quick-fix options.
Automated yet safe refactorings help clean your code and keep it more maintainable.
Rails-aware refactorings help you perform project-wide changes:
for example renaming a controller will also rename helper, views and tests.
Use the powerful debugger with a graphical UI for Ruby, JavaScript and CoffeeScript.
Set breakpoints, run your code step by step and use all the information available
at your fingertips.
Create and run RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, MiniTest & Test::Unit tests with coding
assistance and a GUI-based test runner.
In RubyMine you can quickly make yourself at home, with customizable color schemes,
keyboard schemes, and all the look-and-feel settings you need
for productive development.
Save time with a unified UI for working with Git, SVN, Mercurial and other
ersion control systems.
Enjoy seamless integration with tools like Rake Task Runner, Rails Generators,
Bundler, RVM/Rbenv, Zeus, and others.
The Terminal is also available as an IDE tool window whenever you need it.
Easily configure automatic deployment via FTP or SFTP and manage your
infrastructure with Vagrant, Capistrano, Chef, or Puppet.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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