Pointwise R1 18.2 X64

Release: Pointwise.v18.2.R1.X64-AMPED
Since 1984, mesh generation software from Pointwise and its co-founders
has been used for CFD preprocessing on applications as diverse as
aerodynamic performance of the F-35 Lightning II and reducing
fish mortality rates in a hydroelectric project.
Pointwise's meshing software has been applied to virtually every major
military aircraft and spacecraft in the last 30 years including
the F-16, F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35, F-117, B-2, E-2C, P-3C, Space Shuttle,
Space Station and more.
Whether you're engaged in CFD to refine an existing design, doing
parametric analysis for design of a new vehicle, or researching
concepts for next generation vehicles, Pointwise provides all
your mesh generation capabilities.
From geometry model import to flow solver export, Pointwise provides
tools for every step of the meshing process including mesh editing
down to the individual grid point to global mesh metric evaluation.
You can even customize the software using the plugin API.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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